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Alcohol & Drug Screening

Alcohol & drug screening is what the ADOT-MVD refers to as “complete alcohol screening with a licensed counselor.”
CK Counseling uses two different testing instruments, the first is the Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) as the “alcohol screening”, and the second is The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) as the “drug screening”. Both the MAST and DAST assessments are self-reporting scales that consist of multiple yes and no questions. These screenings determine the level of clinical recommendation for education and or treatment while taking into other factors, previous DUIs, and BAC scores.


Completing An Alcohol & Drug Screening Process With A Licensed Counselor


Clients will need to provide proof that the alcohol and drug screening is needed for the DUI screening. There are a few ways to submit proof, a copy of your citation, Admin Per Se, court documents, or an Extended Certified Motor Vehicle Report. Clients will need to submit a photo ID and fill out consent forms on the HIPPA compliant portal before being able to schedule the appointment.
​For the scheduled appointment, ensure you have a reliable internet connection, a smart device or computer with a working camera, and a well-lit, private space. Be fully clothed and signed in beforehand to avoid any delays.​

Alcohol Screenings vs Substance Abuse Evaluations

Alcohol screenings are quick assessments designed to identify any possible issues concerning an
individual's alcohol consumption. In contrast, substance abuse evaluations provide a comprehensive
review of an individual's usage, history, and frequency. They are a comprehensive process for defining the nature of that problem, determining a diagnosis, and developing specific treatment recommendations for addressing the problem or diagnosis.

Typically a substance abuse evaluation will not be required by the MVD unless your license is revoked. Learn more about our Arizona Revocation Packet service.

Who is required to complete an alcohol screening with a licensed counselor?

Nearly all DUI arrests, regardless of whether they lead to conviction, will prompt a compliance obligation on a driver’s record to undergo an alcohol screening with a licensed counselor. Arizona courts may also court order “complete alcohol screening with a licensed counselor” and complete the recommended treatment, particularly in cases involving plea agreements. Moreover, legal counsel may advise an alcohol screening and suggest completing the recommended treatment as part of a

What will the recommended treatment consist of?

The recommended treatment is determined based on various factors, including your assessment results, the specifics of the DUI incident, and any prior offenses on record.
In Arizona, DUI offenders are broken down by Level 1 or Level 2 offenders. The DUI alcohol and drug
screening will generate a treatment recommendation, subject to clinical recommendation based on the evaluator.


Level 2
Level 2 offenders are generally individuals with a low blood alcohol content (BAC) and are first-time offenders. Level 2 treatment consists of 16 hours of DUI education.


Level 1
Level 1 offenders fall into one of the following categories:


  • The individual is arrested or convicted of two or more alcohol or drug-related offenses.

  • The offender had a BAC of .15 or higher at the time of the arrest with one of the following:

    • Has a history of alcohol and drug abuse.

    • Admits to having a problem controlling their alcohol and drug use.

    • Has been diagnosed with a substance abuse or organic brain disease resulting from substance abuse.

    • Has experienced symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol or drug use that included hallucinations, seizures, or delirium.

    • Has been diagnosed with alcohol-related medical conditions like liver disease, pancreatitis, or cardiomyopathy by a medical professional.

  • The individual meets at least three of the following conditions:

    • Had an alcohol concentration of .08 or higher at the time of the arrest.

    • Had been arrested or convicted for an alcohol or drug-related arrest.

    • Has experienced a decrease in attendance or productivity at work or school due to alcohol or drug use.

    • Has experienced family, peer, or social problems associated with alcohol or drug use.

    • Responded during the screening in a way that indicated substance abuse.

    • Previously participated in substance abuse education or treatment for problems associated with alcohol or drug use.

    • Has experienced blackouts as a result of alcohol or drug use.

    • Passed out as a result of alcohol or drug use.

    • Has experienced symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol or drug use including shakes, irritability, nausea, anxiety, or other illnesses relieved by resumed alcohol or drug use.

    • Exhibits a psychological dependence on drugs or alcohol

    • Has experienced an increase in consumption, a change in tolerance, or a change in the pattern of alcohol or drug use.

    • Has experienced personality changes associated with alcohol and drug use.


Level 1 treatment consists of both 16 hours of DUI education and additional treatment of up to 40 additional hours.


In total the number of DUI class hours you may be recommended ranges from 16 to 72 hours of DUI education and treatment.

When will the MVD be notified of completion of my alcohol screening?

Once you complete an alcohol screening with one of our licensed counselors, CK Counseling Group will send the results directly to either the court or MVD or both. As an approved MVD facility, CK Counseling Group can submit electronically immediately following the screening to the MVD which populates in live time with a confirmation code. This electronic delivery is vital, as the MVD relies on these results to ascertain an individual's driving privileges eligibility, especially after a DUI incident. Likewise, courts may necessitate this information for the judicial process. CK Counseling Group’s efficient communication with the court and MVD simplifies this aspect of the DUI Screening process.

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